Monday, August 3, 2009

Careers in IT

Although IT may seem boring to many people, for some it could be the life career.

He/she is the person who makes sure the website is fully functional and updated on everyday basis. basicly he/she is the brain of the website, they have the power to change, design and alter to the requirements

Computer Support Specialist ( CSS )
The person who who install softwares and hardwares for your computer. on general basis, the CSS will find the source of the problem and solutions. There are two types of CSS, Technical Support Specialist and Help-Desk Technical .
The Technical Support Specialist helps to install , modify and clean upon request and requirements while the Help-Desk Technicians deal with individual mainly through the phone or emails. they will ask a series of question to come out with the right diagnosis and the solutions for the problem.

Technical Writer
the profesional writer that writes , design and changes documents is called a Technical Writer. they writes procedures and instructions for the consumers to use.

Software Engineer
The people who apply the mathematical and science of computing in developing a software or system for the computers. they will first analyst the needs of the user and come out with instructions which also known as algorithm. this sofware engineer then help to convert the information to the computer so that the computer would function accordingly and ensure the system would work well.

Network admistrator
highest level of technical/network staff
concentrate on the overall health of the network, server deployment, security, and ensuring that the network connectivity throughout a company's LAN/WAN infrastructure is on par with technical considerations at the network level of an organization's hierarchy
network address assignment, assignment of routing protocols and routing table configuration as well as configuration of authentication andauthorizationdirectory services. It often includes maintenance of network facilities in individual machines

database adminstrator
he/she is responsible for the environmental aspects of a database.
and when it comes to installing a new software . Configuration of hardware and software is one of their main skills . apart from that, they analyst data and design a database on the primilary basis

system analyst
system analyst is also known as the decision maker, they identify a better course of action and make a better decision than he might have otherwise made . they mainly deal with analysis of sets of interacting entities , industrial processes, management, decision makingprocesses, environmental protection processes, etc

the person writes computer software and also specialist in a specific area of computer programming or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software

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